Building the Big Jungle Gym

The back panels are pretty easy - especially if you
have Home Depot pre-cut the pieces for you!

I cut the large back panels into two pieces for easy shipping...
Although you can just pretend that the seam is not there.

Back panels - rear view.

The full size of this back panel (ignoring that seam) is 37" wide by 68" tall.
Drill from the shiny side to make holes approximately every 6" to 12",
(which are for cable ties to attach the panel to the cage frame.)

The corners are a little trickier, but not much:

View from outside the rear corner

As you can see, the holes are drilled so that they line up with each other.

The narrow corner upper panels are: 6 1/2" wide by 43" long.
The narrow corner lower panels are: 6 1/2" wide by 24" long.

You'll need three of each for the whole cage.
That covers the rear corner and the two side corners.

If you look closely, you can see the in rear corner where the two pieces are joined.

See the rear corner? It's two pieces.

The best way I've found to join those two pieces is to notch them.

I use a template:

This is the actual template I use.

The dimensions of this template are:

6 1/2" wide, with notches. To make the notches: mark 3/4" down from the top edges,
cut 1 1/2" in from the side edges, and cut back to the top edge with a 1/2" slope.

For the front two mesh inserts... I've been taking 1" green plastic mesh (5 1/2" wide) and
lashing it to bamboo poles (68" tall) using jute twine and a locking stitch.

Use a smaller mesh for a smaller iguana.

But this a lot of extra work, when all you need to do is to
cut and notch more white melamine paneling or clear Lucite.
If you do, make these front panels slightly more narrow than the others: just 5 1/4" wide.

White panels instead of mesh.

I just happen to think that these mesh panels improve the interaction -
and quality of life - of the cage inhabitant.
Maybe you could just use them in the Summer...

Mesh panels: for a clear view,  fresh air, listening and  hand-feeding.

The only other melamine pieces you need now are for the lower sides under the windows.

Cut two panels 16" by 24 3/4" and drill holes that line up with the holes in the lower corner panels.
Remember to drill from the shiny side.

Now you can why I add the bamboo trim.

Now you can see why I add the bamboo trim.
The outside of this melamine paneling is just plain brown.

Isn't this better?

Bamboo fence material from Home Depot.


Now we've done the frame, the door, the ceiling, and the back panels.
Once we do the windows and the hanging shelves, we're done!
(Although, I do have a few ideas for the floor I'd like to share with you, too... :)

I hope that these plans are working out well for you.
I've worked very long and hard to figure out these dimensions and this design.

If you've ordered these plans from me. THANK YOU.

If you're using them and haven't paid for them yet , it's not too late to do the right thing....
providing that you're happy with the plans, of course. ;)
It's a very small price to pay and it would be a great way to say "Thanks" back. :)

In return, I'll email you a complete Material List, which could help save you a lot of time --
less running back and forth to Home Depot and trying to figure out what to buy!

You can mail a check for $19.95 to: Keith Van Zile
1125 Clare Avenue, West Palm Beach, FL 33401

or just use Paypal right away. You can even send a note with it!



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All rights reserved.