Building the Big Jungle Gym Front Door

The Front Door is a great feature of this cage.
The working hinges are a real convenience,
since you need to get into your lizard's enclosure several times a day.

Okay, let's get started.

We've got the frame all together already... right?
Did you notice that the six corners around the door are just
single 45 degree connectors (with the 1 3/4" pvc plugs on each side),
unlike the doubled-up 45 degree connectors that form the 90 degree back corners?
Go ahead and put those in, if you haven't already.

The frame was easy!

So, let's add the top and bottom of the door,
to complete the cage frame shape.

Cut two 26"poles from the 3/4" pvc.
Put the T connectors on the ends of each pole.

two 26" poles complete the frame.

Go ahead and put them in to complete the frame shape.

It gets a bit more difficult from here on out.

Now it's time to get down to the door construction itself.
Here's what it looks like completed... for reference.

Just follow along. It'll be worth the effort.

Let's build from the bottom up. To make the lower section of the door:
Cut two 24 3/4" poles and two 16 1/4" poles.
Assemble with three T connectors and one corner.

Cut two 1 3/4" pvc sections and put them in as shown: top and bottom.

The lower part of the door.

Slotting the hinges makes them work great.

The short sections sticking out of the two T connectors are
going to be hinges. To make them work well, you need to 'slot' them.

A saber saw works well to cut the slots. Be careful!

Keep your fingers out of the way!

Set the whole assembly in the door frame and put a T connector on the top right side,
connecting it to the cage frame. See how nice those hinges work now?

Push the small door together tightly.

For the left side, cut a 22" pole and top it with a T connector.
(No notches required - the hinges are only on the right side).

Next, cut a 5" pole and put it into the door on the left side top.

Keep at it. We're getting there.

You can congratulate yourself now, because if you made it this far...
the rest will be pretty easy.

The top of the door is just like the bottom - except bigger and upside down.

Top of the door assembly

Cut two 24 3/4" poles and two 35 1/2" poles.

Assemble with three T connectors and one corner connector.

Insert the two 1 3/4" sections of pvc into the two right-side T's, and slot them.

Add this top section to the cage door.

Making real progress now!

Cut another 41 1/2" pole for the lefthand side of the cage door frame.
Push and pull the pvc until the door fits nicely. Not bad!

Just one more tricky little thing to do...

Those wide gaps above and below the door have to be filled.

Cut two 26" pvc poles and put the Oversized T connectors on the ends.
(These are the four 1"x1"x3/4" T connectors).

Now here's the tricky part:

Use a saw to cut each T connector in half and trim their edges so they fit in the gap.

It's a little tricky, but you can do it.

Cable tie the top one in place, so it doesn't fall out when you open the door!

Notice the 3" bolt and nut now added to keep the door securely shut.
Another bolt is positioned a similar distance from the bottom.

That's everything -- except adding the Lucite and maybe a lower door.

Now we've done the frame and the front door. Next, let's do the ceiling.

I hope that these plans are working out well for you.
I've worked very long and hard to figure out these dimensions and this design.

If you've ordered these plans from me. THANK YOU.

If you're using them and haven't paid for them yet , it's not too late to do the right thing....
It's a very small price to pay and it would be a way to say "Thanks" back.

You can just drop a check in the mail for $19.95 to: Keith Van Zile
1125 Clare Avenue, West Palm Beach, FL 33401

or just use Paypal right away. You can even send a note!
Tell me how much your iguana loves the cage! Send a picture!



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All rights reserved.